In many situations different parts of a simulation code have to access the same bit of data. The traditional approach in many simulation codes is to declare some global variables that every part of the code has access to. The problem with this approach is that, apart from violating the data encapsulation paradigm, it makes the simulation code inflexible. The fields that are used are hard wired and any modification will require modification and recompilation of the code.


In Schnek data can be shared between simulation block in a dynamic way. A simulation block can export references to internal data that it allows other simulation blocks to access. The other block can obtain the reference to the data and read its values or perform operations on it. Let’s look again at our example from the previous section. If we wanted to allow other blocks to have access to a Particle’s pos and velocity field, we can add the registerData() method to the Particle class.

class Particle : public ChildBlock<Particle>
    Array<double,3> pos;
    Array<double,3> velocity;
    double mass;

    void registerData() {
      addData("pos", pos);
      addData("velocity", velocity);


Inside the registerData() method, we are calling the addData() function which is available inside any Block class. This function takes a string and a reference to a variable. The string acts as a reference key by which other blocks can access the variable. In the example above we are exporting pos and velocity under the names "pos" and "velocity". Note that you do not have to call the registerData() function ourselves. This function is automatically called during the initialisation through the initAll() function of the simulation block. In our example we want a second class to access the particle data and write it to the console. We can create a new class WriteVector like this.

class WriteVector : public ChildBlock<WriteVector> {
    Array<double,3> *pVector;

    void init() {
      retrieveData("pos", pVector);

    void display() {
      std::cout << (*pVector)[0] << " " << (*pVector)[1] << " " << (*pVector)[2] << std::endl;

typedef boost::shared_ptr<WriteVector> pWriteVector;

The class contains a pointer to the Array data type that was exported in the Particle class. By calling retrieveData() with "pos" as the reference key, this pointer is set to point to the pos member of the Particle block. Thus, whenever display() is called, the current value of the particle position is written to the console. Again, the init() function does not need to be called manually as it is automatically called during the initialisation of the simulation block. In order to include the WriteVector class in our simulation we need to make sure that the simulation block has access to the children of type WriteVector.

class NBody : public Block, public BlockContainer<Particle>, public BlockContainer<Force>, public BlockContainer<WriteVector> {

In addition the WriteVector block has to be registered with the parser.

int main()
  BlockClasses blocks;




Now the runSimulation() function can write out the particle position in each time step like this

void NBody::runSimulation()
  for (double time=0.0; time<=totalTime; time+=dt)
    BOOST_FOREACH(pParticle particle, BlockContainer::childBlocks())
      Array<double,3> force(0.0,0.0,0.0);

      BOOST_FOREACH(pForce F, schnek::BlockContainer::childBlocks()) {
        force += F->getForce(particle->getPos());

      particle->advance(force, dt);

      BOOST_FOREACH(pWriteVector write, BlockContainer::childBlocks()) {

This is all that need to be done at this point. The setup file can now include the WriteVector block. The body of the block specification stays empty because we haven’t registered any setup parameters for the block type.

dt = 0.01;
totalTime = 100;

Particle A {
  posx = 0.0;
  posy = 0.2;
  posz = 0;
  velocityx = 0;
  velocityy = 0;
  velocityz = 0;
  mass = 10;

NonLinearForce F {
  centerx = 1;
  centery = 0;
  centerz = 1;
  k = 1;
  d = 0.1;

WriteVector {

Adding Flexibility

Up to now we have still hard coded the relation between WriteVector and Particle. The WriteVector will always print out the pos member of the particle. We can easiliy add flexibility to the code by allowing the user to choose which member should be written out. To this end we add a reference key string to the WriteVector class.

class WriteVector : public ChildBlock<WriteVector> {
    Array<double,3> *pVector;
    std::string value;
    void initParameters(BlockParameters &parameters) {
      parameters.addParameter("value", &value);

    void init() {
      retrieveData(value, pVector);


As in previous tutorials, we are using initParameters() to register the value string with the parser. Inside the init() function we use the value provided in the setup file and look up the vector accordingly. The WriteVector definition in the setup file can now be modified like this.

WriteVector {
  value = "velocity";

We could have also written value = "pos". With this feature we have added flexibility to our code. The user can now decide in the setup file where the data should be taken from.

Resolving Conflicts

Until now in this section we have implicitely assumed that there is only one Particle block in our simulation. But in the previous section we showed that the user is free to add as many Particle blocks in the setup file as desired. So let’s assume we have two particles such as this.

Particle A {
  posx = 0.0;
  posy = 0.2;
  posz = 0;
  velocityx = 0;
  velocityy = 0;
  velocityz = 0;
  mass = 10;

Particle B {
  posx = 1.0;
  posy = 0.2;
  posz = 0;
  velocityx = 0;
  velocityy = 0;
  velocityz = 0;
  mass = 5;

The reference value = "velocity" is now abiguous. It is not clear if the velocity of particle A or particle B should be written out. Fortunately, Schnek provides a mechanism to resolve ambiguities using the dot notation. By specifying the particle name in the reference string we can uniquely reference the velocity of a specific particle

WriteVector {
  value = "B.velocity";

This notation will work for more deeply nested block hierarchies as well. In this case one could write something like value = "Outer.Inner1.Inner2.velocity". The code for this example can be found here. The setup file can be found here